Master the complexities of ESI with our latest guide: Drafting a Thoughtful ESI Protocol


  • Learn why understanding and planning ESI protocols at the outset of a matter is crucial for avoiding sanctions, reducing costs, and securing key evidence.
  • Discover the importance of customizing ESI protocols to suit each unique case, and the dangers of generic templates.
  • Benefit from the wisdom of a team with experience in drafting and enforcing hundreds of protocols.
  • Gain strategies and considerations that can make your ESI protocol an incredible tool for managing costs in discovery and effective litigation.


This guide is more than a resource—it’s a roadmap to success— packed with actionable tips, real-world examples, and preventive measures.

Save it on your computer, highlight the areas you need, and refer to it every time you face a new matter.

In a world where 99.9% of evidence is electronic, managing Electronically Stored Information (ESI) has never been more critical. Are you equipped with the skills to navigate the challenges and complexities of ESI? Our comprehensive guide walks you through the meticulous process of crafting an ESI protocol – a document essential to any litigation process.

Get your copy today and become a master of ESI protocols! Your clients will thank you, and your practice will be better for it.

Request Your Copy

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We're on a mission to revolutionize how lawyers approach ESI — transforming legal discovery through smarter technology and sharper insights. Inspired by Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom and strategy, our platform enables litigators to act decisively, strategically, and confidently. We're redefining discovery, enabling you not just to keep up, but to take charge.