Common questions about eDiscovery Assistant
Constantly changing rules and developing case law make being on top of changes in the law very difficult. eDiscovery Assistant puts ediscovery case law in one place and let’s you find decisions in a few clicks vs. a few hours. No other platform has tagged decisions by ediscovery issue, that are searchable by judge and organized to the district court level. Imagine knowing how your judge will rule on an issue in three clicks. That’s what eDiscovery Assistant brings.
Kelly Twigger, the Principal at ESI Attorneys and a nationally known ediscovery attorney, author, and speaker, built eDiscovery Assistant for the firm’s practice and made it available commercially after requests from colleagues and practitioners. Mrs. Twigger is also an ediscovery columnist for Above the Law, co-author of Electronic Discovery and Records and Information Management, A Guide published annually by West, and a recognized expert in electronic discovery.
eDiscovery Assistant’s team consists of ediscovery attorneys and professionals that build tools in eDiscovery Assistant to help litigators trying to balance knowing ediscovery with their litigation practice.
Founded in 2016 and developed by attorneys who practice eDiscovery 24 hours per day 7 days per week, eDiscovery Assistant includes curated database of case law, rules, checklists and forms, and glossary of terms.
2945 Juilliard Street
Boulder, CO 80305
United States