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Constantly changing rules and developing case law make staying on top of changes in ediscovery a challenge for lawyers and legal professionals. Built by ediscovery attorneys for how lawyers work, eDiscovery Assistant is a curated database of case law decisions, rules, checklists and forms tagged by ediscovery issues that lets users get answers fast. Imagine knowing how your judge will rule on an issue in three clicks. Leverage our library of checklists and forms for all your ediscovery processes from implementing legal holds and drafting ESI protocols to conducting document review.
Founded in 2016 and developed by attorneys who practice eDiscovery 24 hours per day 7 days per week, eDiscovery Assistant includes curated database of case law, rules, checklists and forms, and glossary of terms.
2945 Juilliard Street
Boulder, CO 80305
United States